Eric Cutler is a “vocally flawless” Apollo in ‘Daphne’ at the Hamburg State Opera

“Eric Cutler was a phenomenal Apollo, the voice seemingly without limits. It was a thing of wonder to hear how to the voice opened up thrillingly at the top and he was also able to fine down to the tone in an instant to produce some perfectly supported (and tuned) pianissimi. The way he executed those diminuendi without ever compromising the beauty of the tone was something very special indeed. The big duet with Eichenholz was absolutely glorious, the voice soaring higher and higher in the most thrilling way. His singing was always so utterly musical and never mannered … I doubt there has been a healthier sounding one and Cutler never succumbed to the urge to force. Outstanding.”


“The American tenor Eric Cutler sings with flawless clarity and has seemingly limitless reserves, and was a theatrically convincing Apollo …”

{Der amerikanische Tenor Eric Cutler gibt einen in seiner stimmlich makellosen Klarheit und mit scheinbar grenzenlosen Reserven auch darstellerisch überzeugenden Apollo …}

Achim Dombrowski – Opernnetz

“Here comes the great, unknown Apollo whose fiercely heroic tenor beams from American Eric Cutler, singing terrifically and bursting with strength, just right.”

{Da kommt der große Unbekannte Apollo, dessen heftig heldische Tenorstrahl-Partie der Amerikaner Eric Cutler grandios kraftstrotzend singt, gerade recht.}

Kieler Nachrichten

“Apollo appears as an illuminated god (Eric Cutler, in top form) …”

{Apollo erscheint als lichter Gegengott (Eric Cutler in Hochform) …}

Daniel Kaiser –

Photo: © Brinkhoff/Mögenburg