Eric Cutler “shines” in new production of ‘Les Contes d’Hoffmann’ in Dresden
December 6, 2016
“In the demanding title role, Eric Cutler proved something of a sensation, singing with power, substance, and no sign of flagging towards the end. His ‘Kleinzach’ was sharply pointed and at other times he made idiomatic use of head voice.”
Bernd Hoppe – Opera Magazine
“Eric Cutler is the main event of the performance. The American tenor, well-known in the Bel Canto repertoire, impresses with a powerful, substantial voice in the grueling title role and does not show any signs of fatigue. He sings the couplet of the “Kleinzach” pointedly and with grim references. The head voice is skilfully integrated into the vocal line, which gives the performance its French character. His voice emanates emphatically, romantically, and enthusiastically in the duet with Antonia “C’est une chanson d’amour” …”
{Eric Cutler ist das Ereignis der Aufführung. Der im Belcanto-Repertoire renommierte amerikanische Tenor imponiert in der strapaziösen Titelrolle mit kraftvoller, substanzreicher Stimme und lässt keinerlei Ermüdungs-Erscheinungen hören. Das Couplet vom „Kleinzach“ gibt er pointiert und mit grimmigem Beiklang. Geschickt werden Kopftöne in die Gesangslinie eingebunden, was seinem Vortrag den französischen Charakter verleiht. Emphatisch und in romantischer Schwärmerei verströmt sich seine Stimme im Duett mit Antonia „C’est une chanson d’amour“ …}
“Eric Cutler was a thrilling Hoffmann. His diction was very good and he really did caress the language as he sang. The voice is bright and open and he found some exciting reserves of power even at the end of a very long evening. Tonight Cutler very much took us on a journey – from a Kleinzach song that sounded like a man tortured by his nightmares, to the romantic dreamer of ‘ah! Vivre deux’ – his was very much a complete performance. Not only did Cutler give us some exciting high notes but he was also able to pull the tone right down to a thread without compromising the integrity of the sound.”
“… Hoffmann, sung with passion and power by Eric Cutler …”
{… Hoffmann, mit Leidenschaft und Power von Eric Cutler gesungen …}
Ingrid Gerk – Online Merker
“The American tenor Eric Cutler makes his debut at the Semperoper Dresden, and shows a penetrating presence from the first note. As he initially told the little story of “Klein-Zack”, he grew more and more into the passion of his longings, which is simply stunning. Whether intoxicated or melancholic, Cutler shines as the selfish author.”
{Der amerikanische Tenor Eric Cutler gibt in der Partie sein Debüt an der Semperoper Dresden, und zeigt vom ersten Ton an durchdringende Präsenz. Wie er anfangs noch unnahbar sein Geschichtchen von „Klein-Zack“ erzählt, sich immer mehr in die Leidenschaft seiner Sehnsüchte steigert, das ist einfach großartig. Ob berauscht oder melancholisch, Cutler brilliert als egoistischer Autor.}
“… Hoffmann, who was perfectly portrayed in every way by the American tenor Eric Cutler …”
{… Hoffmann, der von dem amerikanischen Tenor Eric Cutler in jeder Weise perfekt umgesetzt wurde …}
“Hoffmann stands on stage during the whole opera (three hours), the task is extremely difficult. It implies almost unlimited range of what can soloist tenor on stage-interest – and in any act, or even a different voice access, and that the tenor is not a hero. Cutler played by Hoffmann in a new staging in Dresden masterfully and convincingly French on vocals job you obviously enjoy comparing it to paint water colors. At times even inclined to mix voice, and even the style of chanson.”
{Hoffmann stojí na javisku po celú operu (tri hodiny), jeho úloha je neobyčajne náročná. Zahŕňa v sebe takmer nevyčerpateľnú paletu toho, čím môže sólista-tenorista na javisku zaujať – a to v každom dejstve inak, aj odlišným hlasovým prístupom, aj tým, že tento tenor nie je hrdinom. Cutler stvárnil Hoffmanna v novej inscenácii v Drážďanoch suverénne a presvedčivo, vo francúzštine spievanú úlohu si očividne vychutnal, prirovnal ju k maľovaniu akvarelovými farbami. Miestami sa dokonca priklonil k hlasovému mixu, ba dokonca i k štýlu šansónu.}
Image: © Jochen Quast