Les Contes d’Hoffmann – La Monnaie
December 15, 2019
“Hoffmann nel primo cast è interpretato dal tenore americano Eric Cutler, presenza scenica, voce melodiosa e potente, grandi doti anche d’attore, perfetto per il ruolo che ha, infatti, già interpretato più volte in passato.”
“Hoffmann in the first cast is played by the American tenor Eric Cutler, stage presence, melodious and powerful voice, great acting skills too, perfect for the role he has, in fact, already played many times in the past.”
“Cutler gave us a career-defining performance in the title role of tremendous psychological insight. He brought out so much detail in the text – whether a Klein-Zack of haunted desperation, shading the tone masterfully as he sang ‘ah! Sa figure était charmante’. He made his ‘Ah! Vivre deux’ in the Olympia act less a honeyed seduction and more a desperate need to have this figure, whether woman or machine. Cutler had room to spare in the Giulietta act, singing with ardent generosity, the voice pealing out with obsessive glee. Both in his vocalism and his acting, Cutler gave unsparingly of himself to us.”
« Grand Alcoolique autodestructeur, ici cinéaste hollywoodien et grand amoureux des femmes, Hoffmann, personnifié par Eric Cutler, offre à entendre une vélocité remarquée, jouée avec une acuité tant sur le coté théâtral que vocal. Il semblerait que la nonchalance et le plaisir du jeu ait été le mot d’ordre sur scène, car tout paraît naturel, millimétré comme un papier à musique et suffisamment improvisé pour se mêler au théâtre. La voix du chanteur se développe avec un caractère très bel-canto dans le tragique, perlé, vibrant et d’un ton presque boisé, d’un franc parlé et d’un chant très modulé. »
“A great self-destructive alcoholic, here a Hollywood filmmaker and a great lover of women, Hoffmann, personified by Eric Cutler, offers to hear a remarkable velocity, played with a sharpness both on the theatrical and vocal side. It seems that nonchalance and the pleasure of the game were the watchwords on stage, because everything seems natural, millimetered like a musical paper and improvised enough to blend in with the theatre. The singer’s voice develops with a very bel-canto character in the tragic, pearly, vibrant and almost woody tone, with a spoken franc and a very modulated singing.”
« Le ténor Eric Cutler est remarquable de stature et de jeu dans la peau d’Hoffmann, le poète éthylo-dépressif. »
“Tenor Eric Cutler is remarkable for his stature and playfulness as Hoffmann, the ethylo-depressive poet.”
« Cinéaste hollywoodien, amoureux et suicidaire, l’Hoffmann d’Eric Cutler s’illustre autant sur le plan théâtral que vocal. »
“A Hollywood filmmaker, in love and suicidal, Eric Cutler’s Hoffmann stands out in both theatrical and vocal terms.”